Collective Artwork
The Post Oak School, Houston TX.


Ancestral Dance is a woven sculpture inspired by the kinetic art movement. This collective creation is conformed by 4,830 threads with its careful assembling provoke a dynamic interaction between the audience and the piece.

its color scheme represents a dance between the day and night. the fiery energy of the sun’s rays, contrasting with the deep colors of the dark sky.

Ancestral Dance is a salute to our pre-Hispanic ancestors who utilized the art of weaving as a pre-writing form of communication. in many cultures the collective work with threads strengthens communities playing too, a therapeutic role for individuals. the work of the hands, repetition, exactness, movement, and socialization are some of Dr. Montessori’s pillars, natural tendencies needed for the execution of the piece.


Design and Creative Direction: Ale Pernalete.
Artwork Creation: Montessori children from ages 6 to 9.
On site design coordinator: Andrea Restrepo Yoda.
Photos and videos courtesy of Eugene Drake.
Project commissioned by: The Post Oak School, Houston Texas.
